Users and logins in Sybase
Add users and define their password, number of concurrent connections, and password expiration
Drop users
List users whose passwords have expired
List users who are locked out of the database
List password expiration information for all users
Lock a user account so that the user cannot connect to the database
Enable Sybase IQ User Administration, or set database defaults for active user or database connections or password expirations
Modify the number of concurrent connections or password expiration for one or all users
Modify a user’s password. Users can modify their own password. DBAs can modify any password.
How to add login in Sybase database?
>sp_addlogin login_name,password,db_name
How to drop login from Sybase database?
>sp_droplogin login_name
Note: Need to drop user before dropping login.
How to find authentication mechanism of login in Sybase database?
>sp_showauthmech login_name
How to find user exists in Sybase database?
>sp_helpuser user_name
How to add user to Sybase database?
>sp_adduser loginame [, user_name [, groupname]]
How to drop user in Sybase database?
>sp_dropuser user_name
How to add alias to the user in Sybase database?
>sp_addalias user_name,dbo
Note: drop the old user_name from db and add new alias to user
Imp Note: System Database owner permission is required to run above system procedures.
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